Collection Campaigns
From time to time, CHANGE HER WORLD will call upon Canadians to act in practical ways to help girls and women in the developing world.
Can you help?
As of 2019/20, we are ONLY collecting the items as listed in the flyer below.
2019 Collection Campaign Flyer
For more information on the items that we require from time to time, click the links below:
Girls and Women’s Underwear, Bras and Clothing:
Are you aware that in the developing world, girls’ attendance at school is hindered because of a lack of sanitary protection and underwear during menstruation?
Are you aware that wearing a bra in the developing world not only adds a layer of physical protection for girls but that they are also seen as more confident and therefore less likely to be victimized by males?
Wearing worn, ill-fitting clothing perpetuates vulnerability, low self-esteem and diminished hope so only new or gently used donated clothing is accepted for the girls and women.
Donations needed may include:
- New 100% Cotton Regular Underwear all sizes for girls and young women
- New Bras of any style, colour or size for girls and young women
- Blouses
- Skirts
- Dresses
- Re-usable Sanitary Protection (Learn More)
All clothing donations should be sized to fit girls’ ages 6 to 18 years; and made of sturdy, washable materials.
School Supplies:
Schools lack the most basic tools for learning.
Donations needed may include:
- Pens
- Erasers
- Pencil Sharpeners (small and light-weight)
- Coloured Pencils
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- Crayons
- Rulers
- Markers
- Math Sets
- Calculators
- White Out
- Paper Clips
- Games that reinforce Math Skills, Language, Arts, Science
- Flashcards
- Softcover Storybooks
- Picture Dictionaries/ Dictionaries
- Manipulative Materials that can be used for Counting, Sorting etc.
- Balls (including soccer balls and rubber balls including pump to inflate them)
- Skipping ropes
Teacher resources can be considered but please call to clarify the usefulness of items.
The cost of shipping is expensive so please do not donate paper or paper products. Avoid buying pencils at the Dollar Store as they are poor quality and do not write well.
If you have school supplies or teacher resources but are unsure if they are appropriate to donate, please contact Linda Willis or by calling (519) 271-5598 to make your inquiry.
Medical Supplies:
The local hospital in Chilumba and six rural clinics are ill-equipped to meet the health care needs of the community.
Although they have staffed personnel with expert clinical skills, the lack of basic medical supplies makes the task of caring for the sick or injured a significant challenge.
The most urgently needed medical supplies are:
Gloves – all sizes (sterile and non-sterile)
- Bandaging materials
- Gauze
- Stethoscopes
- Blood pressure cuffs (Paediatric and Adult)
- Glucometers with stripes
- Thermometers
- Tongue depressors
- Cotton patting
- Alcohol wipes
- Band-Aids
- Sutures
- Surgical Tape (Sterile and non-sterile)
- Syringes and Needles
- IV Tubing and Needles
- Forceps and surgical instruments (disposable as these are lighter)
- Cauterizing instruments
- Diagnostic Sets including Otoscopes (rechargeable if possible for 220 – 240 volts)
- Blue pads
- Wound care supplies
- Elastic bandages
If you have medical supplies but are unsure if they are appropriate to donate, please contact Carol Hamilton at or call (519) 271-8701 to make your inquiry.
We are unable to take any items that are heavy or large such as walking casts, medical equipment etc. due to cost for shipping and need for supplies to be shipped in 68 L Rubbermaid containers.
Delivery of Collected Donations:
Locations available for dropping off donations across Ontario:
Stratford: | (519) 271-5598 |
Chatham: | (519) 352-9644 |
Mississauga: | (905) 625-9068 |
Wasaga Beach: | (705) 429-0541 |
Please call to arrange a drop-off time and to obtain location information.
For those across Canada making donations, contact Linda Willis prior to shipping to obtain address information. Linda may be reached at or by calling (519) 949-0086.
Volunteers Needed!
If you would like to volunteer to be a drop off location for Collection Campaigns in your community, please contact Linda Willis call (519) 949-0086 or fill out this online form: