World Vision
World Vision is Canada’s largest private relief and development agency. In 2007, Canadians sponsored 454,309 children around the world. Child sponsorship helps fund World Vision Canada’s international long-term development projects. World Vision Canada has a long history of partnering with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and other government bodies in overseas development and in addressing global issues, such as child rights, hunger, and health.
The Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF)
The Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) supports community-based organizations that are turning the tide of HIV/AIDS in Africa. They provide care to women who are ill and struggling to survive; assist orphans and other AIDS affected children; reach heroic grandmothers who almost single-handedly care for their orphan grandchildren; and sustain associations of people living with HIV and AIDS. Since 2003, SLF has supported hundreds of community-level initiatives in 15 countries.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are the worlds time bound and quantified targets for addressing extreme poverty in its many dimensions- income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter, and exclusion- while promoting gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability.
Save the Mothers
Save the Mothers is an international organization that trains professionals from developing countries to improve mothers’ health through their specific vocation and sphere of influence. Save the Mothers training program is located near Kampala, Uganda.
Plan Canada
Plan Canada is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Founded in 1937 as Foster Parents Plan, they are one of the world’s largest international development agencies, working in partnership with millions of people around the world to end global poverty. Not for profit, independent and inclusive of all faiths and cultures, they have only one agenda: to improve the lives of children. Through programs in 66 countries, they give children, families and communities the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and improve their lives in a sustainable way. Each year, their work impacts more than 3.5 million families and their children in over 25,000 communities.
The White Ribbon Alliance
The White Ribbon Alliance is an international coalition bound together by a common goal: to ensure that pregnancy and childbirth are safe for all women and newborns in every country around the world. In Uganda, WRA is a partner with Save the Mothers.
The World Health Organization
The World Health Organization is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. They play an active role in promoting maternal health around the world.
Safe Hands for Mothers
Safe Hands for Mothers’ vision is to contribute to a reduction in maternal mortality and morbidity from pregnancy-related causes and to protect and promote health of the newborn in developing countries.
The UNFPA United Nations Population Fund’s End Fistula Campaign contains a lot of information regarding fistula and the global impact that is has on the lives of so many women, families and communities.
Justice for Girls
Justice for Girls is a non-profit organization that works to promote social justice and an end to violence, poverty and racism in the lives of teenage girls who are low income or homeless.
OneWorld International Foundation (OWIF)
OneWorld network is governed by the OneWorld International Foundation (OWIF), the guardian of OneWorld’s vision – of a world where resources are shared fairly and sustainably, where human rights are nurtured and protected, and where democratic governance structures enable people to shape their own lives. OneWorld is dedicated to working with others to bring about this vision.